Contributions for the qualification of Physic’s teachers in pre-service. Impacts about the use of metacognitive strategies on problem solving


  • Cleci Teresinha Werner da Rosa Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), Brasil
  • Jesús Ángel Meneses V. Universidad de Burgos (UBU), España



Physics teaching, future teachers, metacognition, pedagogical knowledge


The current text is based on the necessity for the teachers to experience a more meaningful learning during their formation, for them to innovate and offer that to their students. This way, the present study describes and analyses how a group of future teachers of Physics sense the use of metacognition as a strategy of learning and teaching. The study was held in the form of a university extension course with the goal of approaching the metacognition theme and how it can be used in the problem solving in Physics. For that, ten students were selected, and for 20 hours of class and some more extra hours, they studied and discussed the way of operationalization as a didact strategy. The results that were found point out the fact that the approached subject was very significant, the students showed themselves motivated to learn, the using of the strategy was judged very relevant, as much in the process of learning in the subjects of the university degree, as in the future performance as teachers, and to finish, they value the innovating ideas as a way of searching for new alternatives to qualify the teaching and learning process in basic education.


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Author Biography

Jesús Ángel Meneses V., Universidad de Burgos (UBU), España

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Programa Internacional de Doctorado sobre Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Universidad de Burgos


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How to Cite

Rosa, C. T. W. da, & Meneses V., J. Ángel. (2018). Contributions for the qualification of Physic’s teachers in pre-service. Impacts about the use of metacognitive strategies on problem solving. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 77(1), 75–96.

