Evaluate the teaching practice based on the comments of university students
teaching practice, teacher evaluation, teacher performance, studentsAbstract
The comments issued by students on the practice of their teachers in a public university are analyzed. The comments constitute information frequently used as part of the teacher evaluation, based on these judgments are made and are considered a qualitative element in the decision making by the administrative and management, however few studies address them. This paper analyzes the comments of 568 students from the six areas of knowledge, based on the Teacher Competency Evaluation Model, which includes three dimensions: forecasting, conducting and assessing the impact of the E-A process. The results indicate that 81% of the comments were classified in some dimension of the model; it is highlighted how they consider their professors to be able to teach, solve problems in class, develop activities that promote learning; while, punctuality, time organization, attendance, and above all the way of assessing the teaching-learning process are valued negatively. The usefulness of the interpretation of the comments as qualitative information in the teacher evaluation system is highlighted, not only when confirming elements evaluated by the quantitative instrument such as the student opinion questionnaires but also evidencing aspects not contemplated by it.
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