Initiation research tool: meaningful evaluation in distance learning


  • Luana Wunsch UNINTER, Brasil
  • Ana Paula Soares UNINTER, Brasil
  • Ieva Margevica University of Latvia (Letonia)



evaluation, distance learning, interaction tool


When we start talking about education in this twenty-first century, there already seems to be a mass discourse about the relation between technology and knowledge. This is because it is already known that society has changed and that changes have disguised and concealed the numerous social systems, including education. Thus, to speak of educational spaces is to report on its various clothing for the present moment. In this sense, the Internet, as one of the main places of information gathering at the present time, gains the visibility of meeting point for exchange of experiences. And in this scenario of online propagation, it is possible to find new methodological possibilities to improve access, presenting research opportunities and overcoming academic challenges. In highlighting the universe of Higher Education, this article aims to identify how the evaluation of learning in the distance modality, in an attempt to give guidelines so that it is no longer a means of certifying technical practices. From the problematic about what would be the perspectives of 713 undergraduates, of Pedagogy, about their academic actions, which until then were socially intrinsic in the face-to-face possibility, and through one of the main evaluation activities, the work of conclusion of course, the research presents the trajectory of an investigation that resulted in the design of an online tool adapted to the needs of this public.


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How to Cite

Wunsch, L., Soares, A. P., & Margevica, I. (2018). Initiation research tool: meaningful evaluation in distance learning. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 77(1), 35–54.

