The Wikipedia in the spanish schools of education. Design and validation of quantitative and qualitative diagnostic tools
Wikipedia, High Education, Formative assessment, Web 2.0, psychometric validation, mixed methodologyAbstract
It has been found that the number of investigations concerning Wikipedia is increasing, mainly those analysing the problems that exist in it, such as vandalism, gender and racial gap, reliability, neutrality and editing wars among publishers. The number of investigations concerning the use of Wikipedia in Education is also increasing, but they have been influenced by quantitative procedures as a matter of priority. This article describes the strategy for the analysis of information, the population employed, the process of design and validation, as well as obtaining the reliability of the three instruments used for the collection of information (questionnaire, discussion group and interviews). After carrying out this process, finally four dimensions were obtained in each one (personal data, general part of Web 2.0, consultations about Wikipedia and collaboration in Wikipedia), resulting in very useful tools for studying the evaluation of Wikipedia as a resource education in the Spanish university environment.
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