Learning to Learn in Higher Education





assessment, awareness, feedback, higher education, learning to learn, self-assessment


The purpose of this article is to analyze the competence of learning to learn, its dimensions, associated factors, methodologies, and evaluation systems for its implementation in higher education. The incorporation of the competence approach in the EHEA has been characterized, preferably, by the paradigm that focus on the importance of learning to the students, placing the student in the center of the process, and valuing the potential of the evaluation to manage it. In this context, learning to learn is key to the education, in any of the possible learning environment.

The methodological approach followed is based on obtaining scientific evidences from the documentary analysis and recent research with university students, while it’s analyzed the methodological and evaluative proposals that contribute to the development of the competence to learn to learn. As a result, is has been possible to identify the added value of this competence; to highlight the challenges associated with its definition and measurement; and to evaluate and propose sustainable formative assessment processes that promote awareness through self-assessment and peer feedback to optimize the competences profile of the university students. In conclusion, the assumption of learning to learn as a basic competence entails to learn to focus attention on learning as a vital attitude, which accompanies the person permanently. This implies changes in teacher training, since this challenge demands not only a constant scientific update of knowledge, but also the activation of methodologies that integrate assessment as a continuous process of knowledge construction.


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Author Biographies

Laia Lluch Molins, Universidad de Barcelona (UB), España

Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa en la Universidad de Barcelona

Maria Cinta Portillo Vidiella, Universidad de Barcelona (UB), España

Departamento de Educación Lingüística y Literaria y Didáctica de las Ciencias experimentales y de la Matemática de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Barcelona


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How to Cite

Lluch Molins, L., & Portillo Vidiella, M. C. (2018). Learning to Learn in Higher Education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 78(2), 59–76. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie7823183

