The self-concept of the millennials as learner´s and the self-regulation and motivation for lifelong learning

A study with university students in Mexico




Learning, learner, university, lifelong learning, self-regulation


This research was intended to analyse the self-concept of the college millennial´s as learner´s, as well as their perception of self-regulation and motivation for lifelong learning. Based on a mixed ethnographic design, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews were applied and an observation log was used. In the development of the study, participated 215 university students in the survey and then 30 of them were interviewed. College students from the coast region of Oaxaca, México.
As a result, it was observed that within the strengths and weaknesses as apprentices of the students millennial, Gardner multiple intelligences, areas of digital competence and learn to learn skills were identified. On the other hand, in the variable self-regulation and motivation to learn throughout life, the dimension called knowledge construction and motivation to learn obtained a higher value than that related to self-regulation activities.
Finally, by promoting lifelong learning among millennial university students, one must consider the environment in which they develop, the healthy habits of the media and their social skills to interact in virtual spaces and in the site.


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How to Cite

Castillejos López, B. (2019). The self-concept of the millennials as learner´s and the self-regulation and motivation for lifelong learning: A study with university students in Mexico. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 79(2), 81–98.





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