Reading in psychology first year: discoursive types and inferences




Reading- Psychology- First year- Discursive Types- Inferences


Reading comprehension in university contexts depends on the realization of inferences and the discursive type of the texts. Thus, in this study we seek to describe the performance of students in the first year of Psychology in making inferences when reading predominantly expository and argumentative text´s.We have found that by reading texts of both discursive classes, while some students recognized elements to contextualize, made connective and elaborative inferences, others chose not to respond. The fact that they have been able to make inferences in the case of both discursive types, would indicate that they were able to build coherence locally and globally. However, the high percentage of absence of answers could indicate certain difficulties in all the aforementioned aspects.



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How to Cite

Villalonga Penna, M. M., Padilla, C., Carreras, M. P., & Carreras, M. A. (2019). Reading in psychology first year: discoursive types and inferences. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 80(2), 81–103.

