Executive Function (EF) Intervention in educational context





Child neuropsychology, Neuroeducation, Neurodidactics, Executive Functions, self-regulation, metacognition


Interest in Neuroeducation is growing and its effectiveness improving aspects of the educational context seems to be demonstrated and made concrete more and more although the history of this discipline is relatively short (it is only in the last decade that the methods derived from neuroscience have been applied to the academic field). In order to better understand basic concepts from Neuroeducation or Child Neuropsychology and, above all, to provide a practical proposal for the application of Neurodidactics in the classroom, this bibliographic review article summarizes at a first moment the basic points of these disciplines, to enhance both, academic and executive performance, in the educational context. Neuroeducation is an area in which the Executive Functions constitute a new construct that has gained special interest in recent years. This paper proposes in a second part, two examples of intervention programs on metacognition and self-regulation capacities, applicable or adaptable to the classroom or to other educational activities for children in pre-school education and from 10 to 14 years old.


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Author Biographies

Alexandra Pardos Véglia, Centro Neuropsicología Alexandra Pardos, España

Ph.D. Neuropsicóloga Infantil. Directora Centro Neuropsicología Alexandra Pardos, colaboradora Unidad Médica Angloamericana y profesor asociado Universidad Pontificia ICAI ICADE Comillas y Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España.

María González Ruiz, Centro de Neuropsicología Alexandra Pardos, España

Psicóloga especializada en Neuropsicología (Estudios Avanzados en Cerebro y Conducta) y terapia de conducta. Neuropsicóloga, Centro de Neuropsicología Alexandra Pardos


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How to Cite

Pardos Véglia, A., & González Ruiz, M. (2018). Executive Function (EF) Intervention in educational context. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 78(1), 27–42. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie7813269





Monográfico. Neurodidáctica en el aula