Analytics of Learning and Educational Neurosciences: challenges in technological integration
learning analytics, neuroscience, educational challengesAbstract
The aim of learning analytics (LA) is to understand and optimize learning and the environments in which it occurs. Given the complex nature of learning, it has become necessary to use tools from various fields of research to obtain, describe, analyze and interpret data about students, their learning processes and contexts. Rather than taking isolated methods or techniques for the study of this process, learning analytics is beginning to integrate the perspectives of other fields to achieve a research of learning with a transdisciplinary vision. One of these fields is neurosciences, specifically those related to learning or educational neurosciences. The objective of this research is to explore the implications and challenges of the use of EEG technologies (traditionally used in neurological studies) in conjunction with learning analytics for the study of students learning processes and their context. This research focus on the study of the brain waves of a single sample of 6 students during a class session. This standpoint, framed within the educational neurosciences, constitutes a tool of analysis that can be used to achieve a quality teaching.
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