Teaching PROUNI: difficulties in academic course and results of training


  • Vera Lucia Felicetti Centro Universitário La Salle – UNILASALLE, Brasil




Teaching Prouni; Course Academic; Graduation


One of the goals of the National Education Plan is to invest in teacher training. The University for All Program - Prouni encourages and invests in the higher education training of teachers working in Basic Education (elementary and high school), as well as high school graduates. This study aimed to analyze the difficulties faced by graduates during their academic period as Prouni students; to perceive how these graduates feel about their academic background; and to identify whether they are working at their field of graduation. The methodology used was qualitative approach with textual analysis of discourse. Among the results we observed the difficulties encountered by students during the academic period, such as financial resources, lack of time to study more, difficulties of sharing work and study, and adaptation to the university environment. The results also indicate that Prouni graduates showed satisfaction of being graduated and their encouragement to both family and society in relation an academic degree earned. It is evident, also, the need for field studies in larger studies to understand how the licensees are in the labor market and why many of the graduates are not working at their training fields or as teachers. With more comprehensive studies involving quantitative analyzes will be possible to better evaluate and perceive the status of the graduates of teaching courses if the corresponding Prouni investments are fulfilling the expectations of the National Education Plan.


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How to Cite

Felicetti, V. L. (2014). Teaching PROUNI: difficulties in academic course and results of training. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 64(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie641343





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