Developing a pilot Learning Analytic tool for the improvement of collaborative processes in Blackboard platform




collaborative learning, digital technology, higher education, knowledge construction, virtual learning.


This work presents a study focused on a set of indicators related to the model of distributed educational influence that helps the design of a Learning Analytic to provide formative feedback. It explores the effect of providing information related to such model on the collaborative processes of the participants in Blackboard digital environment. A qualitative case study was conducted with 24 undergraduate students who participated in five online discussion forums. The results suggest that providing information has an effect on the improvement of collaborative processes just at the initial phases. It is concluded that the information related to the theoretical model has a greater effect on the collaborative processes of the groups that handled this information; the above idea reinforces the interest to analyze, in depth, the particular dynamics of each group to understand the effect of the information on the configuration of such dynamics.


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How to Cite

Niño Carrasco, S. A., Castellanos Ramírez, J. C., & Viloria Hernández, E. (2019). Developing a pilot Learning Analytic tool for the improvement of collaborative processes in Blackboard platform. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 80(1), 139–155.

