The body in the school of absences. Sex and relationships education in the battle between to either coeducate or segregate


  • Mar Venegas Universidad de Granada, España



body; sex education; sex and relationships education; coeducation; segregated school


In this paper, I analyse the structural and educational dimension which is the body, through the discussion of two aspects of interest. To begin with, the process of social, historical and cultural construction of the gendered body of women as locus of power, and its translation into the educational field through sex and relationships education. Then, the current debate on the segregated -or differentiated- school, versus the coeducational model, which directly affects the education of the body in sex and relationships education. The analysis reflects on different arguments from conservative and religious fronts to attack the egalitarian school: new biologicist arguments and the fear of falling educational performance. The paper concludes by arguing the need to strengthen the role of the body within an educational policy committed with sex and relationships education in the framework of coeducation.


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How to Cite

Venegas, M. (2014). The body in the school of absences. Sex and relationships education in the battle between to either coeducate or segregate. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 64(1), 1–10.





- Educación sexual