Basis for a detailed study of the presence of Spanish and Portuguese and its real incidence in the world




language spread; quantitative research; Spanish; Portuguese; ibero-american space


In recent decades, various estimates have circulated about the global importance of languages, supported by criteria, methodologies and data sources that are also diverse and not always reliable or updated. Given the interest to know the current state and possible projections of Ibero-American languages, this article proposes, in its first part, a critical review of the main existing quantitative studies on languages in the world. Then, as a result of this review, it offers an outline of an instrument for a study of the presence of Spanish and Portuguese in the world, which can also provide elements for a better understanding of cultural, educational and other dynamics that take place within the Ibero-American space and that are expressed in the linguistic sphere. The last part of the article presents some examples of analysis that can be carried out in this perspective within the field of education based on the statistical data that it is proposed to collect.


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How to Cite

Prado, D. H., & Varela, L. (2019). Basis for a detailed study of the presence of Spanish and Portuguese and its real incidence in the world. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 81(1), 35–52.

