Emotional competitions in pre-teens: the implication of the parents


  • María Concepción Márquez Cervantes Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (upaep), México
  • Martha Leticia Gaeta González  Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (upaep), México




emotional competitions; decisionmaking; family parents; pre-teens.


The emotional education from the strengthening of the emotional personal competitions is considered to be necessary for the human development with affective links and healthy mental conditions. To increase the emotional skills in the family base will help the children and pre-teens to possess more tools to face the multiple situations that they may have along their lives, across the example and guide of emotionally competent educators. The purpose of this study was to analyze the form in which the parents interfere in the development of the emotional competitions of their pre-teens children. 103 parents took part with their pre-teens children, students of 5.° and 6.° degree of primary education and of 1.° secondary education in the province of Almeria, Spain.
The results indicate that the strategies most used by the parents intend to promote their children to control and regulate their emotions and take responsible decisions. In a specific way, they look for their children to develop the competitions that promote the fulfillment of rules at home and a harmonic social coexistence in general, as well as the related ones to the effort and academic commitment. This study emphasizes the importance of the involvement of the parents in the work that the educational centers carry out for the academic and emotional education of their children.


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How to Cite

Márquez Cervantes, M. C., & Gaeta González , M. L. (2014). Emotional competitions in pre-teens: the implication of the parents. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 66, 75–88. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie660379

