Health promotion in educational environments. NICT’s employment in health learning


  • Martín de Lellis Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina
  • Cecilia Calzetta Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina
  • Tamara Gómez Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina



promotion of health; education; new technologies; nict.


After a brief reference to the juvenile exclusion of the educational system problem, in this article are exposed the general limits of an integral project orientated to promoting educational environments and favorable behaviors for the health, which are carried out from the extensive university area and with the institutional agreement for its implementation in two schools of average level located in the metropolitan region contiguous to the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
In the above mentioned project the employment of new information and communication technologies (nict) are specifically developed, orientated to promoting knowledge and habits of promotion of the health, with the following results obtained: a) Major integration and interest of young people to the curricular tasks and extracurricular relative to the promotion of the health; b) generation and maintenance of social networks that grant belonging and reinforce the link with the institution; c) Increase of skills related to the use of the information across highly demanded technologies in the labor world; d) responsible employment for technologies by agreed rules of use, and e) mitigation of the impact of the technological gap and its relation with the educational quality on having facilitated the most universal access to the new information and communication technologies.
Finally, reflections are formulated concerning to the innovative character of the experience and to the sustainability that acquires the employment of educational materials suported on the new information and communication technologies in educational institutions through activities orientated to promoting the participation and the juvenile learning in health priority matters.


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How to Cite

Lellis, M. de, Calzetta, C., & Gómez, T. (2014). Health promotion in educational environments. NICT’s employment in health learning. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 66, 175–188.

