Representations about the change in the use of ict. Life stories of teachers


  • Patricia Raquimán Ortega niversidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Chile.I



information and communication technologies (ict); processes of change in education; social representations; professional life stories; grounded theory (Grounded Theory).


This research focuses on the representation of change in teaching practices on the basis of the use of information and communication technologies (ict) by the teachers that will teach in technical-professional secondary education in lyceums, in Santiago de Chile.
On the basis of the results obtained, unveil aspects allow us to understand when the teacher acquires their technology skills and, above all, what their motivations are. In this sense, the four fields of the social representation of teachers about their processes of change in the use of ict are identified: the staff, the studies, labor and teaching practices.
The work provides a more understanding look of the phenomenon of ict, revealing the voice of the protagonists themselves in order to understand their experiences and show how its use has emerged and its meaning in everyday practices.


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How to Cite

Raquimán Ortega, P. (2014). Representations about the change in the use of ict. Life stories of teachers. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 65, 75–90.

