Pre-reading evaluation skills in pedagogic intervention projects. Methodological and pedagogic purposes in the initial level


  • María Elsa Porta Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (unCuyo), Argentina



pre / post evaluation; pedagogic intervention programs; initial reading learning; infant school.


In each of the evaluative stage that compose the pre/post quasi-experimental designs addressed to evaluate the intervention programs effects to promote linguistic predictive reading skills of children in initial level, it is possible to distinguish not only a methodological purpose, but also a pedagogic purpose. The intention of this article is to spread the acquired experience in the selection of a battery of pre-reading skills evaluation as a valuation and detection tool, during the investigation implementation project which evaluates the effects of intervention programs directed to developing linguistic skills in children in urban-marginal infant schools,with the aim to facilitate the learning of reading in first degree, at the same time as their pairs, diminishing tthis way the risk of school failure.
The development of such skills not only influences in a significant way the future reading performance, but also it reduces the risk of presenting difficulties in the process of reading acquisition, that is why the evaluation instances that compose the designs directed to evaluating the effects of pedagogic programs intervention to compare performances and, in addition, they constitute an instance of children’s strategic risk detection presenting difficulties in the acquisition process of reading, and valuating their respone to different conditions of intervention.


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Author Biography

María Elsa Porta, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (unCuyo), Argentina

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (conicet), Instituto de Lingüística, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (unCuyo), Argentina


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How to Cite

Porta, M. E. (2014). Pre-reading evaluation skills in pedagogic intervention projects. Methodological and pedagogic purposes in the initial level. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 64, 43–54.

