Planning distance learning: pedagogical-curricular options for the 1st Cycle




1st cycle of Basic Education; curriculum; planning; distance learning


The year 2020 is being marked by a pandemic situation, which brought the reorganization of multiple social activities, namely the educational processes. In Portugal, schools and other educational establishments were closed, and the pedagogical activity continued in a distance learning modality. Teachers and further educational agents had to restructure the already planned dynamics for the promotion of the student’s learning. The publishers of school textbooks created different digital didactic materials that could facilitate the professional action of teachers, with highlights to the plans for the various coming weeks of classes. In fact, the influence of such organizations in the pedagogical practices is, nowadays, undeniable. Thus, the empirical corpus taken here was a set of 16 weekly class plans, with focus on their pedagogical and curricular potentialities for distance learning in the 1st cycle of Basic Education, which were made available by two Portuguese publishers, and to which it was possible to access digitally, for free. Partly, these resources suggest a pedagogical work somewhat divergent from an idea of integrated curriculum, marked by the passivity in learning and by the depreciation of the evaluation. However, in a virtually unprecedented situation, the same are a testimony of another relevant (technological).


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How to Cite

Duarte, P., & Moreira, A. I. (2021). Planning distance learning: pedagogical-curricular options for the 1st Cycle. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 85(1), 205–225.





Monographic. Digital School: strategies and digital didactic materials