Citizenship evaluation and formation

A necessary relation


  • Fabiola Cabra Torres  Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, Colombia



educational evaluation; empowerment; citizens’ formation; educational practice


The present article seeks to understand the relations between evaluation and formation for the citizenship in the frame of the educational institutions. The surrender of accounts and the quality management are identified as the predominant speeches in the last decades, and is observed how, in minor measure, in the practice a comprehension of the evaluation is promoted as a compromised value activity by the strengthening of the formation exercise in democratic values.
Following on from the evaluation concept as social practice and educational practice of ethical and political character, there appear three ways of promoting the citizens’ formation: the ethical and critical communication of the evaluation capacity orientated to the opening, dialog, negotiation and discussion on the results of the interior of the educational communities and investigators; the evaluation from ethics of the diversity point of view in which the incorporation and the difference project as democratic values; and finally, the consolidation of a political culture and of the empowerment of the subjects to slant the evaluation.


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How to Cite

Cabra Torres , F. (2014). Citizenship evaluation and formation: A necessary relation. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 64, 177–193.

