Impact of the pandemic in Mexican High School education. An analysis of its pedagogical, psychological, and technological effects




COVID-19, high school, learning, socio-emotional skills, digital skills


This article describes how Mexican students and teachers in High School are adapting to COVID-19 emergency situation.  For this aim were collected in a sample of n=11,850 teachers and n=39,852 students that represent different geographical regions and  public and private institutions. An online questionnaire was designed to study three dimensions of this social phenomenon: The pedagogical, psychological and, the  technological. Among the main findings are the following: Pedagogically, teachers and students have been flexible, looking for ways to adapt teaching and learning, combining digital and traditional resources. Technologically, only half of teachers report adequate Internet connectivity, which limits their use of digital resources. Psychologically, discouragement is identified, as well as vulnerable social-emotional individuals. Through regression tree analysis, the importance of learning assessment and contact with students is revealed, both for learning and for social-emotional well-being. The research is relevant because it allows us to see strengths and areas of opportunity for the Mexican Educational System.


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How to Cite

Medina-Gual, L., Chao-Rebolledo, C., Garduño-Teliz, E., Baptista-Lucio, P., González-Videgaray, M. ., Covarrubias-Santiago, C. A., … Ojeda-Núñez, J. A. (2021). Impact of the pandemic in Mexican High School education. An analysis of its pedagogical, psychological, and technological effects. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 86(2), 125–146.





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