Containment and resilience spaces in educational communities in the context of COVID-19 in Chile
resilience; covid-19; lockdown; education, mental healthAbstract
The objective of this qualitative research is to identify resilience factors in the school community, under the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools communities have adapted their communications and learning methods, increasing the responsibilities and workload. The teachers reduced the perception of well-being, developed depression, frustrations feelings and low self efficacy. The schools implemented interventions to support digitals and emotional skills, like “Me cuido para cuidarnos”, a psychosocial program that during 2020 involved 35 private and subsidize schools in Chile, reaching 1.599 teachers for 259 hours of online training. The results of this investigation show 22 code, divide in 5 clusters: community, support, well-being, improve of space and security. Concluding that the scholar community started to generate resilience process, using their own resources to cope with uncertainty. It’s important to continue giving teachers emotional support
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