Reading competence and learning


  • Isabel Solé Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de Barcelona.



reading competence, reading strategies, deep learning


In the present work, the construction of reading competence  is discussed and examines the existent relationships between competition and learning are examined. It is assumed that a broad and complex conception of reading has a greater chance of achieving full literacy (social and individual) more than a restricted and simple representation. This –the simple conception– tends to consider that reading is a skill that is acquired in an specific period in life and that applies equally to several texts and situations. Contrary to this position, it is infered that the ownership and use of reading in literate societies starts very soon and has no end, because it’s always possible to deepen in the reading competition. This position entails to accept of the profound changes that, due to the impact of several situations and uses of reading that we are involved, are produced in the way of being a reader along the life. In these situations, thanks to the help of others, strategies that allow us to go beyond the superficial reading can be learnt, and let a deep, critical reading capable of transforming information into knowledge. A review on some data provided by international evaluation studies as well as the findings of research work, show jointly that this way of teaching and learning is less frequent that it might be desired. It is concluded arguing the need of social and centre projects aimed to promote it.


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Author Biography

Isabel Solé, Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de Barcelona.

Profesora del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de Barcelona.


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How to Cite

Solé, I. (2012). Reading competence and learning. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 59, 43–61.

