Plan Ceibal and the use of digital technology with pedagogical sense in math teaching. The case of the micro:bit board




Plan CEIBAL; mathematics teaching; middle school math teachers; digital technology; micro:bit board


This article is based on research aiming to identify and describe how Uruguayan 7th and 8th grade This article is based on research aiming to identify and describe how Uruguayan 7th and 8th grade mathematics teachers use the micro:bit microcomputers with pedagogical sense. The study used an indagative method based on a qualitative paradigm.  The developed techniques were: discussion groups with eight teachers and document analysis of materials presented by fourteen teachers. Among the main discoveries of this research, it stands that the use teachers made of the micro:bit board allowed a better understanding of the mathematical concepts by their students (divisibility, order relations, variables) and it allowed them to approach the situation with a reflective attitude that predisposed them to build conjectures and discuss their viability. On the other hand, programming in the maths class allowed teachers to organize the pedagogical activities in an innovative way that wouldn’t be possible without the board. Teachers agree that, in the interactions of the different participants, and the conjoint construction of mathematical concepts and digital skills between students and them aiming to solve a specific situation, the transformative potential of digital technology became evident. teachers use the Micro:Bit microcomputers with pedagogical sense. The study used an  and 


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Bentancor Biagas, Plan CEIBAL, Uruguay

Jefe, Departamento de Matemática, Plan CEIBAL

Lily Velázquez, Plan CEIBAL, Uruguay

Pla Ceibal - Gerencia de Formación – Departamento de Matemática


Ana Laura Machado, Plan CEIBAL, Uruguay

Plan CEIBAL – Gerencia de Formación – Departamento de Matemática


Ignacio López, Plan CEIBAL, Uruguay

Plan CEIBAL – Gerencia de Formación – Departamento de Matemática




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How to Cite

Bentancor Biagas, G., Velázquez, L., Machado, A. L., & López, I. (2021). Plan Ceibal and the use of digital technology with pedagogical sense in math teaching. The case of the micro:bit board. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 87(1), 197–215.

