The teacher’s gaze, reflection on teaching experience. Attitudes toward students and activities in the classroom


  • Marías de las Nieves Rodríguez Pérez Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Oviedo, España.



motivation, activities, attitudes


The teaching activity of the teachers training course in foreign languajes is largely influenced by discouragement and students lack of motivation.  It is a well-known fact that lack of motivation is an important failure source and that the teacher’s methodology and class management actions influence the learner’s motivation either in a positive or negative way. The objective of this research is to learn, from the teaching experience, which factors related to the activities in the classroom and with the attitude of the teacher toward the students can determine that their efforts will positively influence the motivation of these by the acquisition of another language-culture. The results of this study may offer teachers training course different glances that invite to reflect on teaching activity of others and thus modify and improve their own methodological actions.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Pérez, M. de las N. (2012). The teacher’s gaze, reflection on teaching experience. Attitudes toward students and activities in the classroom. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 59, 241–258.

