A didactic alternative for the improvement of the science teaching-learning process


  • Esperanza Asencio Cabot Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas «Félix Varela», Villa Clara, Cuba.




science teaching-learning process; dynamization; teaching model; teaching tasks


The present article proposes a didactic alternative that can contribute to the solution of the problem that presents the study of natural and exact sciences, both in the ibero-american area as in the whole developed countries.The lack of interest and even the rejection that generates scientific subjects, the failure at school in the same of a large number of students and the consequent lack of candidates for higher scientific studies, highlights the need of a priority attention to the problems. It is a question of an alternative built from the teaching model of dynamization, which takes into account the requirements that modern society imposes on science teaching and learning  determined by the accelerated development of science and technology. The dynamization of the teaching-learning process of the sciences is seen as an integral and systemic approach of the process, related to the functioning of the dynamic components: methods, forms, media and evaluation, that empowers autonomous and self-regulating learning and also leads to increase the quality of the same, taking into account the particularities of the individual student and the action context. The presented teaching model includes the principles and the ways to structure and develop the process, through a system of teaching tasks.


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How to Cite

Asencio Cabot, E. (2012). A didactic alternative for the improvement of the science teaching-learning process. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 58, 81–97. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie580474

