Life skills development: self-determination promotion in young people with disabilities


  • Marisol Marfull-Jensen McGill University, Canadá
  • Tara D. Flanagan McGill University, Canadá
  • Carlos Ossa Cornejo Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile



self-determination; Chile; disability


From the enactment in law 20.422 2010, National Law on Disability (nld), the State of Chile is committed to promoting equal opportunities and social integration of Chileans with disabilities through programmes to improve their quality of life, through the promotion of their interpersonal relationships, personal development, self-determination social inclusion and the exercise of their rights (nld), 2010).The challenge for Chile is the development of approaches, models and programs that promote these goals.
The purpose of the experience described in this work was to lead workshops that favoured self-determination, main component of the nld). Participants were aged between 8 and 14 years with a disorder in the development, a group facilitator and primary caregiver of the participant.
The workshops, which are taught once a week for ten weeks in three different institutions from the Bío-Bío region, included the introduction of the concept of choice, the analysis of the importance of choosing and taking decisions in everyday life, and the discussion of strategies for solving problems, as well as the development of self-determination through practical activities within the community. Participants reported that as they practiced self-determination they felt more secure and confident to participate in activities in the community.
As conclusion arises that future experiences of this type should include programmes for the promotion of self-determination in the general curriculum as well as the implementation in the community in which individuals live.


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Author Biographies

Marisol Marfull-Jensen, McGill University, Canadá

Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology, McGill University, Canadá

Tara D. Flanagan, McGill University, Canadá

Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology, McGill University, Canadá

Carlos Ossa Cornejo, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile

Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán, Chile.


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How to Cite

Marfull-Jensen, M., Flanagan, T. D., & Ossa Cornejo, C. (2013). Life skills development: self-determination promotion in young people with disabilities. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 63, 19–33.

