The effects of the model 1:1 in the educational change in schools. Evidence and challenges for the ibero-american policies
model 1:1; TIC at school; educational change; educative technologyAbstract
This article provides a review of the major findings of the evaluative studies on the impact of models 1:1 in the anglo-saxon context and, from the same, sets out a series of challenges for the design, implementation, and evaluation of policies 1:1 in the ibero-american school systems. Among them: avoid the technological utopianism or techno centrism (policies 1:1 should define what is the educational model for the school of the 21st Century); provide schools enough technological resources and telecommunications with organizational and functional quality; reshape the meanings, beliefs and pedagogical culture of the teachers and other educational agents; reformulating and stimulating new practices in the organizational culture of the centre and involve families in the educational activities with information technologies and communication (TIC); and to evaluate the impacts, exchange experiences and build self-knowledge on the model 1:1 in Ibero-america.
It concludes by highlighting the need for the policies 1:1 to focus the attention on change processes and educational innovation and not only in the endowment of digital machines to schools.
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