Multimedia classroom with significant learning: the reference model AMAS


  • Joni de Almeida Amorim Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil.



learning, evaluation; model 1 to 1; multimedia


he technological transformations that we perceive in society have effects today in almost all areas of life: work, science, news media, the entertainment business and also in education.
As well, from the perspective that the changes made by the incorporation of new technologies to the school field tend to enhance the quality of education is that they have implemented several public policies focused on both the computerization as in training for a better use of the infrastructure available to students and teachers. The success of computerization is related, at least, in three aspects: staff training, improvement of the equipments and the use of different multimedia communication vehicles. This work proposes a debate around a micro level, the school, considering in special the efficient use by the teachers of the various equipments during the pedagogical activity. For this reason, it discusses the potential significant of learning and conceptual map, and it’s presented below the experience cone for the selection of the multimedia content in the classrooms.
As well, we point out as a viable alternative the reference model Multimedia Classroom with significant learning, or model AMAS, used in the search for a better use of the multimedia elements in the school environment.
This paper proposes the use of this model as a basis for the development of a methodology to enable educators act in a critical and independent manner in their practice. In each cycle will be assessed the results of the use of multimedia in the educational environment.


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How to Cite

de Almeida Amorim, J. (2011). Multimedia classroom with significant learning: the reference model AMAS. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 56, 135–155.





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