Self-assessment: Strategy and esential component for change and school improvement


  • Marcela Román C. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Educación (CIDE) de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile).



self-assessment, change and school improvement, vulnerable schools


The contributions of self-assessment to the implementation agenda of change and school improvement are in the purpose of the article. By the hand of this analytic look and the internal trial evaluation, based on the model cipp (context, input, process and product) and with the reference of the school efficiency, it goes roaming the different intervention areas structured in the support and the external technical assistance to a set of chilean urban marginal schools. The aim was to untangle and asses the important contributions that this component does to the innovation and change process in its different times and aspects. The results provide a wide and varied set of modifications and adjustments  to the improvement program that emerge from the diagnosis actions, systematization and measurements of school performance, what structured the self-assessment done. The results confirm the centrality and relevance of counting with the timely, valid and reliable information, as well as with the main factors of effectiveness, in order to reorient actions, strengthen or diversify strategies or adjust or modify goals. The possibilities that the students might learn more and improve their performances are heightened when the improvement programs incorporate as part of their structure a self-assessment device, from where they analyse, discuss, critique, evaluate and feedback their own intervention, their advances and their outstandings.


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How to Cite

Román C., M. (2011). Self-assessment: Strategy and esential component for change and school improvement. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 55, 107–136.





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