Motivation and self-regulation out of the use of the electronic portfolio by pupils in the upper level


  • Paola del Valle Escudero Departamento de Investigación de la Escuela Normal Particular Martha Christlieb (México).
  • Miriel Carlos Morales Carreto Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Veracruzana (México).
  • Adriana Sumano García Instituto de Estudios Superiores del Golfo de México.



motivation, self-regulation, electronic portfolio


The following research article, in the service of students and teachers of an upper level of three different contexts in the Mexican territory, aims to find out if the strategy of the use of the electronic portfolio has an influence on the motivation and self-regulation of the students in subjects which correspond to social science areas. For this, the central question of the project was: In which way do the upper level teachers use the electronic portfolio as a teaching strategy based on reflexion, so that it contributes to the self-regulation and learning motivation of the students of the second, fifth and sixth semesters, of three different contexts, during the school period of 2010? To answer this a qualitative method was planned and a descriptive method was used; as a support to the collection of data implemented were three, the observational record, the questionnaire and the interview. The investigators collected information on the strength of the application and found that the students feel motivated by carrying out activities and thus show a good effort. The main weakness was found to be the insufficient development time to promote the desired competencies. Finally, in the light of theoretical principles, came to the contrasting findings and validation to elaborate proposals for improvement for future investigations, work highlighting the systematic and continuous strategy for more profit.


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How to Cite

del Valle Escudero, P., Morales Carreto, M. C., & Sumano García, A. (2011). Motivation and self-regulation out of the use of the electronic portfolio by pupils in the upper level. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 55, 173–187.





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