Education and ethics for a cosmopolitan citizenship


  • Guillermo Hoyos Vázquez Instituto de Bioética y Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia).



ethic codes; values; norms; humanities; moral; ethic; communication; education


This article is looking to understand the meaning of the ethic codes that normally are developed in educational institutions. With the help of the distinction and complementarity between values and norms a characterization of the devices is obtained, which relevance only is captured in a concept and practice of education that transcends the narrow limits in which it’s today, pressured by economical criteria. If the education is released from the market logic for it to be thought as a training process of citizens of the world, it’s left open to the humanity and social sciences horizons, from which the moral maximums and the ethical minimums can be understood as values and norms, complementarity which gives full meaning to the conduct codes.


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How to Cite

Hoyos Vázquez, G. (2011). Education and ethics for a cosmopolitan citizenship. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 55, 191–203.





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