Virtual mobility in remote masters in europe and latin america. A way to go
higher education; distance education; master; virtual mobilityAbstract
The mobility of the students in higher education is one of the indicators of the competitiveness of the institutions of such education level and key in it’s modernization process. The universities that offer distance programs are also involved in their students mobility process, but they face the reality that not all of them can, or want to enjoy the mobility offer, nor all of them have the opportunity of moving to another institution to study part of the studies. In this situation, the proyect «NetActive» is proposed to examine the feasibility of the mobility virtual programs offered for the students of distance programs in institutions of Europe and Latin America. To do this, it was analysed the methodology, organization and content information of 156 remote masters belonging to 16 European countries and 34 from Latin America. From the analysis of the data obtained the main conclusion is that, if we want to move forward in internationalization approaches and virtual mobility, we must offer real possibilities for it’s achievement that, ultimately, it’s offering comparable and understanding masters, compatible with other academic offers.
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