Teacher education. Negotiated construction of character and stage


  • María Soledad Manrique




continuing teacher education; lifelong education; attitude change-interviews; social interaction


In the present work the analysis of the involvement of a preschool teacher in a complex training device will allow us to show some of the features of the teacher education process related to its intersubjective aspects. The device was intended to promote the development of knowledge and skills that would enable teachers to build a series of strategies to scaffold the development of children´s narrative in activities such as retelling of personal experiences and story- reading. The teacher education device offered a group and an individual instance. The individual instance consisted of interviews in which the teacher and the teacher trainer analyzed the activities carried out by the teacher, which had been previously videofilmed and transcribed. It has been hypothesized that in this interview each of the parts uses discourse to build for the other and for themselves a character and scenery and that this construction is then negotiated. On the basis of the qualitative analysis of the interviews the way in which the construction of this character and of the scenery is carried out, the movements that this construction suffers in the confrontation with other possible definitions and the changes in the teacher´s attitude are described. 


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How to Cite

Manrique, M. S. (2016). Teacher education. Negotiated construction of character and stage. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 70(2), 9–28. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie70257





- Teacher training