STEM education as a transdisciplinary practice in secondary and high school education




STEM; transdisciplinarity; secondary education; high school education


In the current scientific moment, as stated by Caro Saiz et al. (2020), despite the large amount of disciplinary research being carried out, different forms of supradisciplinary research are also emerging, such as multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.

Today's societies go forward very quickly, and education systems do not always evolve at the same rate, which leads to the relevant difficulties in the implementation of new curricula that try to respond to the demands of societies related to these advances. Education must prepare citizens to face future challenges and provide an efficient response to the resolution of complex problems that may arise.

Therefore, this article presents a literature review to address STEM education as a transdisciplinary practice in secondary and high school in the classroom. For this purpose, different databases have been used during the years 2015-2023, specifically WOS (Web of Science) and SCOPUS. This review aims to answer the question of whether the STEM experiences carried out in the classroom have really been designed from a transdisciplinary approach.


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How to Cite

Chavarría Pérez, C., & Guede-Cid, R. (2023). STEM education as a transdisciplinary practice in secondary and high school education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 92(1), 61–70.





- La educación multi, inter y transdisciplinar en la formación a lo largo de la