Artistic education and education priorities in the dawn of 21st century


  • Teresa Torres de Eça Centro de Investigação em Educação e Psicologia, Universidade de Évora, Portugal.



education, community development, social education, civic education, innovation, artistic education


During the first decade of the 21st century we have seen intergovernmental organizations put their hopes into education.
In an attempt to address the world socio-economic crisis, strategic programs that announced education aimed at sustainability and citizenship were developed and prioritized.
It is in this context that artistic education can play a fundamental role. Because of its own nature, it provides the corner stone of education, creativity development and innovation. It also answers the call to civic education, values and intercultural dialogue.
The need for a new paradigm focused on social education has never been so urgent. In the Ibero-American space, in the arts, there are educative experiences that can suggest reflection models for social education and community development.


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How to Cite

Torres de Eça, T. (2010). Artistic education and education priorities in the dawn of 21st century. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 52, 127–146.





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