Corporeal notion and child abuse. A pedagogical proposal from the school physical education


  • Marlen Campos Vidal Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Carol Vargas García Colegio Santa Marta. Valdivia, Chile



body; corporeal notion; physical education; child abuse.


The present investigation has as purpose understand, describe and categorize the corporeal notions of girls resident girls of the Childs home in the City of Valdivia that have been hacked in their rights. The methodology used has a qualitative nature, using instruments such as iconographic records, individual semi-structured interviews and visual records applied in six minors residents of the home.As a conclusion of the study, the report notes that there is a fragmentation of the corporeal concept, due to the non-resolution of the conflicts experienced by each one of them, which prevents the re-discovery of themselves, causing low self-esteem, lack of identity and constant withdrawal. As well, the internal conflicts between the girls affect their connivance, because it leads them to constant attacks and discussions that affect even more personal and collective life. Due to the lack of transdisciplinary work, arises a proposal work from the subject of Physical Education, based on the re-cognition of girls through individual and group work, through activities related to the cooperative game, circus games, dance and disciplines such as yoga and reiki.


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Author Biographies

Marlen Campos Vidal, Universidad Austral de Chile

Profesora de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación. Mágister en Educación, mención Gestión y Política Educativas. Universidad Austral de Chile.

Carol Vargas García, Colegio Santa Marta. Valdivia, Chile

Profesora de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación. Colegio Santa Marta. Valdivia, Chile.


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How to Cite

Campos Vidal, M., & Vargas García, C. (2013). Corporeal notion and child abuse. A pedagogical proposal from the school physical education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 62, 245–259.





Monograph articles