Ibero-american cooperation in education. The experience of the educational goals 2021


  • Alberto César Croce Fundación SES, Argentina




Educational Goals 2021; international cooperation for development; Advisory Council of Educative Goals 2021.


Crises always open opportunity windows but also generate uncertainty scenarios: this is the context in which we write this article, which looks to reflect on one of the experiences that the Ibero-american cooperation has enabled to build: the Advisory Council of the Social Organizations within the framework of the Educational Goals 2021.
To achieve the objective, in first place, the central aspect of education as one of the main axes of international cooperation is addressed and then its analyzed Educational Goals 2012 as an example of international cooperation programs, an interesting and successful experience. Then is described how the integration Advisory Council of Goals 2021 was achieved, the mission that has to fulfill and is detailed its operation. Finally, we present the aspects related to the open challenges for social participation in international cooperation.


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Author Biography

Alberto César Croce, Fundación SES, Argentina

Director ejecutivo de Fundación SES (Argentina). Miembro del Consejo Asesor de las Metas Educativas 2021. La sigla que da nombre a la fundación ses se corresponde con las iniciales de las palabras «sustentabilidad» –por su compromiso con las generaciones futuras–, «educación» –entendida como motor del desarrollo–, y «solidaridad» –elemento básico de la integración social–.

How to Cite

Croce, A. C. (2013). Ibero-american cooperation in education. The experience of the educational goals 2021. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 61, 15–28. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie610597

