The right to education and the improvement of quality: a bet from the movement «Faith and Joy»


  • Nicolás Riveros Federación Internacional Fe y Alegría
  • Jonathan Melo Federación Internacional Fe y Alegría



quality, improvement processes, innovation.


The article discusses the quality of education topic as an urgent issue to ensure the full right to education for children and youth in Latin America. For this reason is presented in a summary form the position that the Movement of Integral Popular Education and Social Promotion Faith and Joy has on the topic and are shared some general characteristics of their Quality Improvement System (smcfya in Spanish).
The basic bet focuses on the development of improvement processes that have pedagogy as its focus and devise the definition of quality education in a broad sense. Finally, gives an account of those who have been the actors involved in the development of this experience, which has allowed us to bring together diverse sectors and agencies under a common purpose.


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Author Biographies

Nicolás Riveros, Federación Internacional Fe y Alegría

Coordinador Nacional de Calidad del Movimiento de Educación Popular Integral y Promoción Social Fe y Alegría de Colombia.

Jonathan Melo, Federación Internacional Fe y Alegría

Coordinador de la Unidad de Servicios de Evaluación e Investigación de la Federación Internacional Fe y Alegría.


Adorno, Theodor W. (2003). Minima moralia: Reflexiones desde la vida dañada. Madrid: Akal.

Mejía, Marco Raúl (2012). Educaciones y pedagogías críticas desde el Sur (Cartografías de la educación popular). Bogotá: Magisterio.

Santos Guerra, Miguel Ángel (2003). Trampas en educación: el discurso sobre la calidad. Madrid: La Muralla.

How to Cite

Riveros, N., & Melo, J. (2013). The right to education and the improvement of quality: a bet from the movement «Faith and Joy». Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 61, 97–107.

