Construction of the university curriculum with competence-based approach. A participatory experience of 24 professional careers at UNASAM
competence training, educational modelAbstract
The aim of this report is to present the experience of building curricular design based on the competency approach for all professional careers of the university. The methodology used was an action research that has a practical-deliberative essence, whose goal is to understand the practice and solve the immediate problems, through a deliberation. The results obtained were the construction of the curricula of the 24 professional careers of the university, where the educational model was integrated with the generic competences of the university, and from which the units of competence and subjects of general formation were formulated with their respective capabilities. In the same way from the performances were formulated the specific competences, the units of competences and subjects of the specific and specialized training areas and their respective capacities; complemented with the other variant and invariant elements of the curriculum of professional careers. It is concluded that this process allowed us to construct the curricula with a competency approach as a participatory experience of all members of the curricular commissions articulating the educational model to the competences and these were derived in curricula and global curricular design
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