Digital comic booklets: exploring climate change education
Digital comic booklets, Digital literacy, Climate Change Education, Teacher TrainingAbstract
The article presents the experience of creating booklets in the form of digital comics (CQD) in a teaching curriculum innovation project involving environmental citizenship, inclusion of adaptation to climate emergencies in the school curriculum and in teacher training. The objective was to develop educational pedagogical practices for Climate Change (EMC) by integrating digital information and communication technologies (DTIC) into the basic education curriculum, producing didactic activities involving EMC projects. Through experiential research with the production of CQD experienced in the pedagogical practices of students on the Pedagogy course at the Federal University of Alagoas, the importance of CME was explored, how to approach it in the classroom using CQD, and inclusive proposals were developed for the curriculum with practices pedagogical and activities focused on CME in the teaching-learning process. The results demonstrate that the CQD constructed involved autonomy, creativity, use of TDIC resources, exploration of content related to EMC and environmental citizenship; show the richness of the authorial practices developed by the students and the satisfaction and learning in carrying out the proposed activities with CQD.
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