Gender disparities in earnings and job satisfaction among graduates of a master's program in teaching for higher education in Chile




Gender equality wage gap; higher education; quality of work life., gender equality, wage gap, higher education, quality of work life


This study investigates gender variations in income and job satisfaction among graduates from a Chilean Master's program in Teaching for Higher Education. Amidst a global concern for gender equity, Chile's educational reforms have sought to balance access to higher education and promote social justice. Our cross-sectional analysis of 337 graduates examines the impact of these reforms on gender parity in the academic workforce. The study uses a non-probabilistic convenience sample, with participants responding to a survey measuring job satisfaction and perceptions of job mobility post-graduation, focusing on gender variables and wage gaps. The findings indicate that gender-based income disparities persist, revealing the nuanced challenges women face in achieving economic parity. The study highlights the need for ongoing policy interventions and research, especially concerning the substantial effects of higher education on wage equity. This research contributes to the discourse on educational reforms as a catalyst for gender equality and economic development.


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Author Biography

Camila Leigh, Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB), Chile

y miembro del Centro de Investigación Urbana para el Desarrollo, el Hábitat y Descentralización (CIUDHAD-UNAB), Chile


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How to Cite

Leigh, C., Céspedes, C., Leigh, E., Fuentealba, S., Rubio, A., & Roy, D. (2024). Gender disparities in earnings and job satisfaction among graduates of a master’s program in teaching for higher education in Chile. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 95(1), 111–124.





Monograph. Transforming higher education: teaching innovation and good practices