Flipped classroom in higher education. Analysis of a research methods course in Educational Psychology





Flipped classroom, Educational innovation, Educational psychology, Active learning methodologies


The need for educational innovation was strengthened due to the confinement generated by the pandemic. Since then, some existing teaching and learning methodologies have improved, such as the Flipped Classroom, which, unlike a “traditional” approach, allows active participation by students and can be applied in face-to-face environments. online or hybrid scenarios. The objective of this work is to analyze an experience of applying the Flipped Classroom in a research methods course in educational psychology. In addition to the application of this approach, this experience includes the perception of the students through a quantitative questionnaire and interviews through focus groups. 39 undergraduate students in Educational Psychology participated. The results of the application of the flipped classroom indicate, on the part of the students, that there is greater participation, self-regulation is favored, and they have a positive perception of the flipped classroom considering both advantages and disadvantages of its application. Regarding teaching, educational innovation is achieved since active methodologies were used, supported by new technologies and suggestions were obtained for the subsequent use of this approach in higher education.


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How to Cite

Tlalpachicatl Cruz, N., Pérez López, C. G., & Pérez López, C. I. (2024). Flipped classroom in higher education. Analysis of a research methods course in Educational Psychology. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 95(1), 161–177. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie9516268





Monograph. Transforming higher education: teaching innovation and good practices