Social climate management from school educational leadership


  • Richar Parra Robledo Magíster en Gestión directiva y en Investigación educativa



educational leadership, school social climate and influence


This article is a theoretical reflection on the management of the school social climate from an educational leadership, coupled with a contextualization of the effects of the managerial / leadership relationship and the organizational climate, specifically in the creation of working conditions that positively affect the Teachers Specifically, we study in the line of educational leadership and its influence on motivation to teachers. The proposal of theoretical reflection is divided into two parts, the first one, in theoretical data to understand and contextualize the theme. The second, through the critical analysis of case studies of school social climate in Chile, is contracted theory and practice. The reflections obtained refer to the pragmatism and empiricism of the proposal when considering the influence and the possibilities of interventions in the light of the interactionist approach. The conclusions on leadership issues are the characterization of the leader as a person, in addition to that management practices must respond to their context.
Keywords: educational leadership; school social climate and influence.


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Author Biography

Richar Parra Robledo, Magíster en Gestión directiva y en Investigación educativa

Magíster en Gestión directiva, Máster en Investigación Educativa y Doctorando en Educación, Chile


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How to Cite

Parra Robledo, R. (2017). Social climate management from school educational leadership. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 74(1), 119–132.





- Gestión escolar