The linguistic landscape in Architecture and Urbanism: a case study applied to teaching




linguistic landscape, Graduate Education, teaching of architecture and urbanism, landscape


This paper discusses the linguistic landscape in Architecture and Urbanism. Even though it is a well-established field of knowledge, the linguistic landscape has been multifaceted and fluid, being open to new epistemological exercises. In this sense, the author proposes that the linguistic landscape in Architecture is present in the advertising apparatuses, signages and other communication languages of the urban environment and real estate developments, as well as, and very strongly, in the buildings, streets, squares, parks and other built structures that, due to the millennial cultural messages they carry, offer their semantic repertoire to the free interpretation and decipherment of users. The paper begins by discussing the idea of landscape as a triad composed of imaginaries, representations and materialities, continues by discussing the linguistic landscape, its origin and theoretical assumptions, and its relationship with Architecture, exemplifying with a case study, which stems from academic research developed by the author since 2006. The discussion ends by presenting the use of case study as a pedagogical practice in graduate education in Architecture and Urbanism, which has enabled the contact of students with the scope of the linguistic landscape, a knowledge still little known in that field of knowledge, where has space for ample growth


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How to Cite

Mol Bessa, A. S. (2024). The linguistic landscape in Architecture and Urbanism: a case study applied to teaching. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 96(1), 137–152.





The linguistic landscape and its impact on educational contexts