Gestão do currículo no Jardim de Infância e na escola do 1.º ciclo: estilos de empenhamento das educadoras e das professoras que conduzem as crianças a construir o pensamento crítico
curricular management, critical thinking, pedagogical practicesAbstract
This paper presents the results of a study that was developed in the district of Portalegre, Portugal.
The study included six case studies - three rooms pre-school education and three rooms on the first cycle of basic education - and its main objective was to uncover the pedagogical practices of early childhood educators and teachers of the first cycle.
Thus, through a framework essentially narrative, interpretive and reflective, the author identified and discussed procedures for building and managing curriculum and styles of the educators and teachers in promoting opportunities for building critical thinking of children who attend the pre-school and a school of first cycle of Basic Education. Among other ways to triangulate the emerging data was used the Observation Scale of the Interaction Style in Adult Education Schools (ASOS - ECE - Form B, Laevers, 1994), the adapted version for Portugal (ME, 2009).
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