Validation of the factor structure of the ProficiencyIn+E® rubric for a sample of Mexican teachers
teacher qualifications, teacher evaluation, measuring instruments, teaching skills, primary and secondary schoolsAbstract
Based on the proposal contained in the well-known Delors Report, which characterises the four pillars of education, the article proposes the design of the PROFICIENCyIn+E® Teaching Competencies Rubric for self-assessment for practising primary and secondary school teachers. The aim of this article is to present the validation of the rubric with a population of Mexican teachers. The participating sample consisted of 3515 teachers from 172 non-university schools in Mexico. Using a quantitative methodology adjusted to the scale of the variables, construct validity was examined through confirmatory factor analysis for categorical data (CFA). Taking into account the fit indices and the adequacy to the proposed structure of 4 dimensions, the rubric has been shown to be a valid instrument for the determination of the competency profile of Mexican teachers, as well as an appropriate tool for projecting teacher improvement that responds to the reality of the centres.
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