Digital Games and Education: a possibility to change pedagogical approach in formal teaching


  • Bruno Henrique de Paula Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, Brasil
  • José Armando Valente



Education; digital games; collaboration; knowledge construction.


This article presents how digital culture, especially digital games, can help to transform the pedagogical techniques used in formal classrooms. We discuss how digital game culture can help to build a new approach for Education, as teaching and digital games can be integrated in several ways, by introducing game playing sessions in schools or even proposing game-making activities to the students. Digital games can foster knowledge construction in specific domains, as well as the development of skills that are necessary for life in our current society, like collaboration and critical thinking. However, they cannot be seen as a silver bullet for Education: we must understand the specificities of both educational process and videogames to build a good relationship between digital games and Education.


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How to Cite

Paula, B. H. de, & Valente, J. A. (2016). Digital Games and Education: a possibility to change pedagogical approach in formal teaching. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 70(1), 9–28.





- Tecnología de la educación