Escenarios para el análisis y la construcción de un modelo de educación infantil


  • José Manuel Osoro Sierra Universidad de Cantabria, España.
  • Olga Meng González del Río Universidad de Cantabria, España.



childhood education, curriculum, educative project, pedagogic discourse, teaching practices


The process of designing and developing a curriculum for education during the early childhood needs the collaboration of all the people involved: children, teachers and families. From this starting point, the article suggests a reflection on those scenarios that constitute the foundations of the model, and also a reflection on the relations established between all of them, and on the role played by their main performers.
Educative praxis will take place in six different scenarios: conceptualization of children's being and doing as the basic element in the educative project; everyday life as an activity that gives meaning to schoolwork; work projects as a means of integrating the elements that participate in education; space, time and materials as an opportunity for change and innovation; childhood education as a space where family and school can meet; and finally, teaching staff and considering the educational praxis as a consequence of the processes and the results obtained from documenting the before mentioned praxis.
These will let us build new and alternative discourses about pedagogy and the image of childhood, allowing us to see the pedagogical concepts used during the educational practice.


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Author Biographies

José Manuel Osoro Sierra, Universidad de Cantabria, España.

Profesor titular y director del departamento de Educación de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Cantabria, España.

Olga Meng González del Río, Universidad de Cantabria, España.

Directora de la Escuela de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Cantabria, España.



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How to Cite

Osoro Sierra, J. M., & Meng González del Río, O. (2008). Escenarios para el análisis y la construcción de un modelo de educación infantil. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 47, 15–31.





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