Some research challenges to initial training of directors


  • Gustavo González García Coordinador del Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Educación. Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile.
  • Ilich Silva-Peña Miembro del Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Educación. Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile
  • Carmen Sepúlveda Parra Miembro del Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Educación. Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile.



educational politics; school management; director´s training; professional identity and trajectory.


Educational investigations, particularly those who refer to learning efficiency and educational leadership, have been showing since many years the influence of the director´s leadership on school achievement. This knowledge demonstrates more than two decades of Chilean educational politics directed towards the improvement of school management.
However, recent investigations of directors of this country give an account of the weak and unstructured results of these politics, explaining the need for research directed towards the comprehension of the dimensions like governability of educational politics and their agents. Based on international studies concerning the initialization of the school manager´s career, this essay searches to argue and highlight that the need of designing the director´s training is not only based on the management competences which are identified with performance standards, but also based on research which includes phenomena from the director´s experience and that they will identify the construction or the manager´s identity and the consideration of the professional trajectory of the teacher who becomes a school director.
Starting from international research we mainly discuss the importance of research into the initial stage of a director and the relevance of designing any programs for specific training during this stage.


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How to Cite

González García, G., Silva-Peña, I., & Sepúlveda Parra, C. (2016). Some research challenges to initial training of directors. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 70, 43–54.



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