Intercultural approach and socio-cultural animation (community development): convergences and reflections


  • Inés Gil-Jaurena Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), España



socio-cultural animation (community development); intercultural approach; cultural diversity; cultural democracy


In contexts where cultural diversity is increasingly visible and obvious, the intercultural perspective is presented as an approach to socio-educational phenomena based on the recognition of cultural diversity as a principle for the construction of more just and equitable societies. Interculturalism as a form for understanding diversity assumes a series of statements that help to analyze and develop social practices based on values such as equity, identity and social cohesion.

Socio-cultural animation (community development), as a praxis addressed to cultural democracy, that seeks cultural development through participation, requires further theoretical framework grounded in the pursuit of social transformation from ethical positions of social justice, equity and affirmation of identities.

The confluence of the intercultural approach and socio-cultural animation (community development), as theoretical reference the first and practice the latter, opens channels for reflection on aspects such as the training of animators for working in multicultural settings, or the most appropriate principles in socio-cultural action with diverse people.

The aim of this paper is to suggest some ideas about it, with the intention of exploring the extent of the use of terms such as those indicated in scenarios recognized as culturally plural, and to suggest the intercultural perspective as the most appropriate approach to cultural diversity in the field of animation.


socio-cultural animation (community development); intercultural approach; cultural diversity; cultural democracy


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How to Cite

Gil-Jaurena, I. (2013). Intercultural approach and socio-cultural animation (community development): convergences and reflections. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 61(4), 1–7.





- Intercultural-multicultural education